
Beats by Dre Just Beats ng the distance the

An acquaint with of call a voice, Li Yuan and once turned round a to see, but was previous Li Yuan and stayed Qin Jun Fu is at empress in the city distance the forerunner.Distance the forerunner at the moment still that cool facial expression, toward Li Yuan and line military salute, then walk in quick time to Li Yuan and of say nearby:"General!Does the big week soldier out of the pass still keep haveing no action?"
BE not a light either Li Yuan and a person guard on this toll-gate for these several days, king also, distance the forerunner etc. person is also all from the city inside rushed through to look into, only to the intention of Li Ke's this undertaking, but didn't figure out why.So the distance the forerunner rushes through today, Li Yuan and pour to also have no surprise, be just full face the fumigation ground hum a way:"Is damned!Really don't understand this Lee Ke exactly at make what title?"
The distance the forerunner is to tightly knit the brows and follow Li Yuan with of the vision hope to close the army camp of the outside big week soldier, suddenly openings say:"General!You say Li Ke whether intends and then so makes us traps in the 砮 city, then divides the soldier strikes against after Qin Guo's other city defenses?"The distance the forerunner will have this kind of viewpoint, is also according to previous Li Yuan and strive for to the Li Ke's accounting of guess, if Li Ke come to do exactly the opposite, after really striking against Qin Guo's other city defenses?
Li Yuan and is eyes first a bright, immediately shook to shake head to say right away:"Should be impossible!According to front intelligence report of segment time, should only have more than 20,000 persons' horse on Li Ke Shou, at most can't more than 30,000 people, now in the army camp have 20,000 people nearly!Li Ke again where have that troops to strike against other city defenses?"
This viewpoint drive Li Yuan and after vetoing, the distance the forerunner is to lower the head to want to think, right away again put forward another viewpoint:"Probably, that Lee Ke just on the time in the first day send all battalions, these several days we also saw one small parts of troops and horseses, even Li Ke didn't see.Perhaps Li Ke has already taken real battalion to go to strike against other city defenses, but leaves this army camp as camouflage to confuse us!"
Li Yuan and slanting the head wanted to think and finally still kept shaking head to say:"Is not right!Li Ke the this person resort to arms is extremely careful, in no case and easily make insurance!If he really did so, if be found by us, sent army to break his back route, that he those 20,000 battalions all want whole amount dead at after Qin domestic!Besides this kind of camouflage is also basically not dependable, the army camp that need to send several hundred people make a surprise attack him can sound out right away once!Li Ke isn't a simpleton, absolutely can't do a stupid matter like this!"
Connect two viewpoints all drive Li Yuan with to veto, the distance the forerunner poured also have no consequently angry, is just that the eyebrows was more tightly wrinkly, he also cans not figures out to exactly still have what may.Li Yuan and is also long long the ground sighed tone, Li Ke this skill but play too peculiarly, in fact what distance the forerunner says, Li Yuan and these several days also not is have never thought and just think to want to go, or feel to so don't in the past explain.Even Li Yuan and still guess not only these more than 20,000 persons of the big week soldier that Li Ke takes, but according to previous for the intelligence report of the big week country, big week country this time at most also can send a horse of 50,000 people, after all the western noodles in the big week country and south noodles still the Tang Guo, Yan country cast covetous eyes on before having.
Even if was Li Ke to really bring 50,000 people the horse and remove at present these more than 20,000 persons, depend 30,000 people, Li Ke dare to kill so into behind Qin Guo?Although empress Qin Guo just experienced Bian city, it changed, empress Qin Jun still is among the southern various country be second to none of troops!Those 30,000 people of Li Ke at most also can take down several city defenses,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, but connect down but want to face the countercharge from Bian city, only after absolutely arriving and canning not holding up against Qin Jun's countercharge 30,000 greatest weeks soldier, the farce that can be three year agos again is.
"Is damned!"Li Yuan and again scolded a , only this scolds among the voice but is deeply one silk is helpless, although taking away like this should be oneself this square gain advantage, but don't know anything like this be blocked up here, make Li Yuan and in the mind very depressed.Finally Li Yuan and think of a few viewpoints put forth by distance the forerunner just, can be helplessly say to the distance the forerunner:"Distance general!Still send one tomorrow evening 100 people the brigade sound out for a while!However I am going to battle in person,Beats by Dre Just Beats, pleasing guard this toll-gate for me when the time comes!"
The distance the forerunner ordered to nod, in the 砮 city, even if Li Yuan and of artistic skill had better, the task of this camisado is very dangerous, but for control Li Yuan of the Zhang eight marksmanships and come to say, should be difficult don't live him.Besides although Li Ke is called the war absolute being of new generation, but meant that Li Ke fights to direct, don't hear Li Ke's artistic skill get, have never also heard the big week has in soldier soldier what severe valiant general, think to Li Yuan and can't meet, either what dangerous.Right away the distance the forerunner also agreed Li Yuan and of suggestion, and say right away:"This officers and men these several days on the toll-gate are already to be getting more utterly exhausted, I or from the city inside take out to adjust a to pay 100 people a brigade down!Still have, general you didn't close eyes as well for several days and since wanted the camisado enemy's camp tomorrow evening and still took a rest better for a day, this toll-gate hands over to me!"
For the proposal of distance the forerunner, Li Yuan and didn't insist any further, ordered to nod to would be to turn round to leave, only he still has never chosen to leave a toll-gate to return to inside the city, but the path goes straight to the tent in the toll-gate take a rest.For Li Yuan and like this stubborn, distance the forerunner also can be tiny to shake to shake head, mumbling to oneself way:"This temper, pour is look exactly alike!"
Certainly, Li Yuan and is already to drill into tent at this time, the this time words of distance the forerunner didn't also fall Li Yuan of in the ear, after entering tent, already utterly exhausted Li Yuan and pour on bed Ta in the tent directly asleep, it is thus clear that these several days his cook get not light!
See Li Yuan and take a rest, the distance the forerunner doesn't dare and then leave so as well inside the city and right away would was to name one well-known scholar the soldier climb mountain to report letter and let the king also ready to one 100 people brigade of paying and prepare to follow behind Li Yuan and left for a camisado tomorrow evening.But distance the forerunner I then replaced Li Yuan and of position, guard at this toll-gate on, tonight, will be a sleepless night again.

The Feng smoke rises the Xiao wall chapter 306 camisado
Renew time:2010-7-1910:07:13 chapter word numbers:3103

Li Yuan and this feels but sleep livelong day, till the second day evening just awake come over.Wait Li Yuan and drill the time of a tent, the distance the forerunner has already follow behind Li Yuan and left for the troops of camisado to get ready, only and negotiated yesterday of dissimilarity, the distance the forerunner finally and fully prepares 1,000 remainings after Qin Jun's officers and men.Although is a camisado, after all it is very likely still need to face more than 20,000 enemy's soldiers, much some hands is still a safety are some.However these 1,000 people were already also extreme limits, if the person is getting tooer many, on the contrary and easily expose movements.
Sleeping is so long, Li Yuan and also at last kept enough spirit, wore good battle armor, brought up Zhang eight long gun, would be directly across last ownly sit to ride.The distance the forerunner is to walk to come forward and toward Li Yuan and on embracing a boxing, the facial expression dignifiedly says:"The general pleases much and carefully!Please bear in mind this time purpose of camisado just for the sake of on exploring the truth or falsity of enemy's camp, can not love a war!"
The mask of Li Yuan and helmet has already taken down as well, stays two eye holes and send forth eyes of naked, toward distance the forerunner to order to nod, say:"The distance general trusts!This I know!What this closed's defending is depending more general!"After finishing giving an account, Li Yuan and would was Ye for a while bridle, drop to turn Ma Tou, face to close the door.
But at close the door the soldier whom the one people early readies to then immediately will close the door to slowly open, in the spooler closing the door early sprinkling oil, so open the door at ordinary times the sharp noise sent out but is have no.See close the door to open, Li Yuan and also have no again do to stop over, grow in the hand once the gun flick and would was to take the thousand odd famous general private who ready to for the array early to rush out to close the door.Keep till the last one famous general private come out close the door,Beats Detox, distance the forerunner this just issue order to close the door close tightly, then immediately climb last toll-gate up, take a distant view Li Yuan and of the troops open to leave for the other party army camp.
The army camp of big week soldier isn't far apart from the toll-gate, just marched forward time of half pillar joss-stick, Li Yuan and then took a brigade to arrive to be apart from army camp not distance.Imitating the Buddha is a God to also have intention to the activity of helping Li Yuan and tonight Related articles:

