
Beats by Dre Just Beats �� ��relationresultW

The original support . Song Xiang in the ※ ※ ※relationresultWaveerrors into Zhong angrily left Hing ,returned to the Xingqing government, will give chapter and verse for the peace through again ,and the Song Dynasty and the conditions are also reported to Li Renxiao .
relationresultLeeRenxiao never thought the conditions so harsh, it is intended to destroy it ,my heart suddenly tense up ,but have no idea ,but also called his secretary ,to discuss strategy .
relationresultThe mountainsare the praise and sincere ,borrow this opportunity ,and to the emperor suggested defend Xingqing wage a life-and-death struggle with death ,and song fight like .
But now the civil and military officials most are not reborn from dead courage ,was thinking about how to make the song a little lower condition ,or to talk to rescind the order and it .
Some people even want to persuade emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty ,simply agreed conditions .And the mountains are qualifications ,not Wei name following the good prestige , he did not any confidence ,so his proposal ,no one response .
relationresultTheking give first out of prison ,said: previous to command public one hundred and twenty thousand armies, and iron kite ,have been Song Jun played and defeated the Southern Song Dynasty ,now has two hundred thousand ranks deep ,within the territory of China ,the danger to lose ,how can beat with Song Jun ?Therefore I thought should be with the Southern Song Dynasty and made them retreat is earlier .
, relationresultThe mountain were said: not by sent with the Southern Song Dynasty made peace ?The result what ?Go and do not bring contempt upon oneself ? , relationresultIn fact,Li Renxiao also wished to succeed and earlier ,but the terms could not accept ,and asked: you can have a way with the Southern Song Dynasty ,and ? , relationresultPrincesare silent, Hanlin Bachelor Jiao Jingyan out ,said: Your Majesty ,only this plan, can only ask the troops to help, the Southern Song Dynasty or scruples ,not too tight .
Of course, please Jin from the deal, forcing the Southern Song and I and retreat . , relationresultLi Renxiao nodded,last focal Jing Yan to Jin ,back to the Jin willing to send troops to help the promise .
But Li Renxiao also know please God send it easy way, of course not let Jin troops to the Western Xia ,therefore declined .But now the are no way ,knowing is please tiger drive the wolf ,but also can quench a thirst with poison .
Jiao Jingyan then immediately sealed 参知政事,let him again to Jin ,Jin troops to help please .relationresultWhenJin Jing Zhao Fu Road in the border forces about ten, with roughly the same song .
While the Heliopolis stone Lechning and Wanyan Chen monk by Beijing trillion government took office ,Daikin have made to aid the preparation ,relationresultNowthe song on both sides of the border are confront each other with daggers ,the war seemed to be triggered at any moment ,in fact, neither of the two countries would tear two years ago and agreement ,therefore are very understanding, control a mutual sense of propriety, not excessively stimulate each other ,but also for the subsequent repair the relationship is left to .
If the battle on the Western Xia ,both in third place is little a lot of scruples ,even playing a fight ,and redemption ,natural is best .Therefore, Heliopolis stone Shi Nechi received the distress call ,immediately sent Wanyan Chen Heshang led thirty thousand army, entered the .
relationresultJiao Jingyanarrived in the Western Xia Dynasty and the Song Dynasty ,the first and the course and outcome of the notification to ,and please Jin from the deal, to the applied pressure ,make the reducing and conditions .
relationresultWanyanYong after hearing him speak ,let Jiao Jingyan go to the inn to rest, and then also called ,discuss how to do .The Southern Song Dynasty it is really to put it ?If so ,then the can ,even if it is against another South, also not hesitate again .
relationresultHisloyalty is scattered in two years previously ,and the Song Dynasty and the whole process, to be very experienced immediately pointed out that ,the Southern Song Dynasty ,was never want to exterminate the Tangut ,put conditions on so high ,but is a peace techniques and others, so as long as Daikin to ,giving both a decent step ,is a sure can make the Southern Song Dynasty and Tangut restart peace talks .
But only in oral on say, may not be able to cause the enough attention, so Jin also must make some substantive action ,let the song clearly Daikin attitude ,they dare not go to great extremes .
At the same time, the Southern Song Dynasty and Tangut to peace time, Daikin great also sent in their negotiation process ,but both sides talked and stiff ,so someone from harmonic .relationresultWanyanYong after listening, think and San Yi said is reasonable ,and his counsel and a ,make x decides ,first send in Jiankang Bai Yanjing ,let him South Song Zhaoyan heavy and the attitude ,the Southern Song Dynasty and Tangut and urged again promised ;at the same time in Beijing trillion Rd surge in thirty thousand ,at any time to add support for the troops ;and finally send 参知政事stoneJu to Xing ,but a song and Xixia again and ,must participate in the negotiation process ,try to mediate both contradiction ,ultimately contributed to both sides and success .
relationresultSothe focal king Yan Shunli completed his task ,return to the .While Jin and Song Dynasty, and in another battle ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,has started a new round of competition .relationresultSixty-five princess to frame ,Artist Series, relationresultOh?Jin to warp the dispatched troops ? Yang Yan leaned over the table ,looking at the map ,he asked .
relationresultSideby Lai says: ,this one was made by Wanyan Chen monk leader, a total of thirty thousand people ,in my humble duty to before, the Jin army troops in the summer ,in about five or six ,presumably you can arrive at Xingqing house .
, relationresultAlthough it is nowboth hostile ,but any respect in the dark, anaphora, the spies can very convenient traveling between song and Xixia occupies the area between Yang Yan ,for transmitting messages .
Therefore, although Yang Yan is not thought of Xingqing house of things well ,but what happened to the various things you can to the fastest speed to the song in the array .relationresultLai Wenzheng continued: in addition to the court to send Jiao Jingyan to have ,to request the from the deal, and reopened two road .
, relationresultYang Yan nodded,said: and are thousands of miles apart, Jiao Jingyan this to a back ,a little like a month ,that is to say in this month, we also have to Xixia continue to keep up the pressure ,this ,waiting for Jiao Jingyan ,the Western Xia will rush and we respect and ,as it would to organic .
, relationresultSome of Yang Changpengfears ,says: but we now face not only the army ,but Wanyan Chen monk thirty thousand the Golden Army ,not easy to deal with . , relationresultYang Yan smiled,and said: the Jin army arrived at Xingqing house does not have five or six days ?This period of time was sufficient to decorate our .
Even if the Wanyan Chen monk to Xingqing house ,familiar with the environment ,terrain also need a period of time ,could not immediately to get instant results ,the time ,enough for us .
, relationresultLai Wenzheng andYang Yan time ,listen to Yang Yan said ,knew in his heart that is ,: have what good method ,can deal with the Jin army ? , relationresultYang Yanyaoshook his head ,said: your priorities are wrong ,we have to do now is forced again to seek the and ,not wanting to deal with the golden army !So don put the Wanyan Chen monk to heart too ,if the court decided once again to our summation ,then one hundred thousand jin to Xingqing house, also incapable of action .
, relationresultHe said,to keep the public will say started ,because of the Jin army is to aid the Xixia ,the Jin army ,the court will have confidence ,so if not effective against the Jin army, it could once again to the great song sum ?Cao Xun raised his hand as if to surrender ,cheap dr dre beats,said: brother ,your stomach curved around too much, don on ,say it directly . Related articles:

