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I'm sure you're asking yourself "What's the difference between mace and pepper sprsy?". They are both self defence sprays dispensed from an aerosol canister. Mace is a form of tear gas and brand name of pepper spray. Pepper spray is based on oleoresin capsicum. This next information talks about mace as form of tear gas.


Mace spray contains lachrymator in a volatile solvent. Mace irritates the membrane tissues in the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. This irritation will cause tears and mucus to flow. They will also sneeze and cough from being sprayed. Mace requires the person being sprayed to be able to feel pain. If the person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol they may not react to mace. Mace will not work against wild animals. Once mace is sprayed some of it becomes gaseous. This is advantageous because even though the person may not be hit right in the face they may still feel the effects. When you spray mace in a cofined area, such as a room, anyone in that room will most likely be effected. The room will be uninhabitable for several hours until the spray fully disperses. Mace can take 5 to 30 seconds to take affect. After you wash it off, mace will still be working for approximately 30 to 120 minutes. Mace is non-lethal,beats by dre cheap. Mace is illegal in many countries.

Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is made from peppers such as cayenne pepper. Pepper spray will even work on individuals who are under the effects of alcohol or drugs. Pepper spray also works on animals. To be effective pepper spray should be sprayed right straight into the persons face including the mouth, eyes and nose. Pepper spray does not dissipate over time. Pepper spray begins to work on the person sprayed very quickly, about 3 to 5 seconds. The person sprayed may be blinded for 15 to 30 minutes. The affected person will cough for 3 to 15 minutes and the burning can last up to an hour. Pepper spray is generally non-lethal; however there have been cases of death, especially when sprayed on people who have poor breathing. Pepper spray is non-soluble in water and needs to be washed off with soap. Pepper spray is legal in the United States though some states have laws regarding the strength of the pepper spray allowed. One two ounce canister of pepper spray can also be carried in checked luggage on a plane.

Difference between Mace and Pepper Spray

While both mace and pepper spray are common aerosol sprays used for self-defense, there are significant differences between their effects and use. Pepper spray works on people who are high and drunk whereas mace may not. Pepper spray is very effective on animals, mace not so much so. Pepper spray takes effect more quickly than mace. Mace on the other hand can last longer. Mace is non-lethal but pepper spray may be dangerous or lethal when used on people with breathing problems. With mace you don't have to hit the person directly but with pepper spray you do. Pepper spray is legal but regulated, while mace is illegal for general public use in most Western countries. Related articles:

