
beats by dre cheap sneer at to looking

Chapter 162 I count three!
Xiao Shu doesn't wish heavy palace Bu noodles in the argument matter to say more, Ji vast sky naturally don't force, sit on the Ji over win a body side, he also a speech not hair, just secretly conjecture the argument matter each heavy household from water cloud park inside the heavy palace, religious sect leader, the in the mind deliberates these people to come blood rain mountain, exactly is a hair from sincerely lift a hand to for water cloud park, or be afraid an emperor the strength of house just but not pure don't wish of come over.
The private's household in the sky, religious sect of water cloud park is truely several tens, be among them known for having of world tenth, , like the Chen Jia and Mu permits house and month China to believe in and also has a house, He house strong sky of private's influence that is all world to be known for and be like Huang Jia this type of, the second-grade religious sect but F that can calculate to do water cloud park.
The eye is fine to turn 1 turn, the his hair view comes although private's religious sect in the sky of the valley of Xuan Yuan has a lot, however all is in normal times inside and emperor just relation in the house be good friends with, also have some religious sects, household not and sell to an emperor just face in the house, basically have never sent a person to come over, like too the Tu Jia, Gao Yang Cheng's segment house of Anne's city, come over for no one.
Be like previous Ji vast sky to say of so, private in the sky is a flock of special group, what they begged is super to take off, the emperor right of customs doesn't have too many binding forces to them in the their eyes, if isn't an emperor the house is just equally a sky, a member of private's boundary, oneself the real strenght is strong, even if they hold real power this and can't have, either how many days the private will realize them.
Private's boundary in the sky is a to take religious sect, household real strenght as to measure the whole special community!Emperor just these three greatest emperor's clans in house, Chu's house and Wu Jia , while facing the universe to believe in, return a dollar religious parties superior, still need to let go of a shelf to nod to say hello, the universe believes in the Da in thou of big pupil Xue Bian Dao if arrived water city in the sky, even if is the impress of water cloud park at present, also want to depend on foot rules to say hello.
Each park imperial house will send a person to take many gifts to come a salute once in a while when the Ji house is strong in those early years, the Ji family walked to where, imperial house's superior in each park will nod admire accompanying of waist, at this strong is private world in the sky of , don't see emperor's right, the heavy household, religious sect controls of strength.
Just emperor house, Chen Jia x Mu permits house and month China to believe in the bearer of these household, religious sect and over an interest to wait person to discuss to deal with a black rock precipice with Ji inside the big palace at the argument matter of pass ghost Die and ghost sea 2 people's explanation to the vegetables, they mostly knew a black rock precipice there of strength amount, in the mind noodles how much have bottom.
However, wait to discuss how to at the time that precipice began, the black rock's ghost Die then constantly shook head.The ghost sea is also a dark to wear a face, one the speech don't deliver.
"Is each, this time the activity aiming at black rock precipice, your none of elders come?, Ghost Mei calm and steady face, in the air some vexations, way:"As I see it, black rock precipice F through is dark of king, fall island in the Xia island lord, pull Mu to teach the religious leader, orchid soft orchid Lin in the park four gossips private in the sky, before song Lei didn't die, should be five gossips private in the sky" this returns just we know of, the superior of blood pond branch should also get to black rock precipice, the orchid soft park has a superior to continue to halt into a black rock precipice who also can not remember clearly Chu, at present black rock precipice, actually have how much strong we also not clear""if you believe in inside, elder inside the clan not, this fights, don't win victory at all of hope!"Superficially look, emperor just the house, Chen Jia and Mu permit a house, month the China religion had some religious sects to all send a person to come over, however.
The bearer really has no a gossip the private for sky at, the ghost Die and ghost sea realizes a black rock precipice there of condition, know if want to take down a black rock precipice, light with these strength affirmative not enough.
The emperor is just seen at the ghost Die by Wei and this type of person of Chen Yi Hui, obviously not enough weight.
Don't go the black rock precipice sees of no account at the ghost Die, after all drive because of forbid at the the religious sect and the ghost on blood rain mountain of black rock precipice believe in irrelevant, ghost Die, the ghost sea is these 2 people, just hope to pass this affair believes in a positive for ghost and F, is also the face that sees in the Ji vast sky in addition up.
If the other party not exhibition view is enough of sincerity, don't adjust a religious sect, the superior in the clan to truely gather to come over.
See at the ghost Mei, take the life that the ghost believes in sons to black adventure in the rock precipice.
There is completely no necessity, the ghost believes in population scarcity, if the confidence for doing not is enough, he can't would like to let the ghost believe in a person to the black rock precipice.
Ghost Die so on saying, the another religious sect bearer in the argument matter big palace, all some Be getting more embarrassed.
Ji over interest bitterness wear face, also not know what good, he knows ghost Die and ghost sea 2 people of so will sit here, not is the face that sees at him up, also not is give emperor just by Wei these people's face.
Want so to come, the Ji involuntarily throw view line over the interest at Ji vast sky body up.
Can sit on the argument matter big palace of isn't all stupid person, a see the Ji over an interest to hope to Ji vast sky, they quickly think of Ji at the time that vast sky came in, ghost Die and ghost sea these 2 people once stood up, although this detail was small,was good enough to explain problem.
Hence, the each big religious sect in the big palace, household represents and see in succession to Ji vast sky.
The eye sees all of the public vision come together on oneself, Ji vast sky the eyebrows is in vain tightly wrinkly, glimpse an emperor just through Wei, light way:"I not clear why have no gossip for sky of the sending of territory hand come to the valley of Xuan Yuan and see at me, the light isn't enough those people who cope with in the black rock precipice with view's strength in the valley of Xuan Yuan, at have no enough of confidence before, we Ji house, can't recklessly go to a black rock precipice!, This words are a , ghost Die and ghost sea 2 people nod in succession, with one voice way:"His meaning is the meaning that our ghost believes in, we ghost Zong Ting his!, The ghost Rong and ghost sea says the ghost Zong Ting Ji's vast sky of, but don't say ghost Zong Ting Ji's house of, this is good enough to explain problem.
The Ji overs interest Shan Shan the stem smile, in the mind noodles' pouring doesn't feel as well the words of ghost Mei, ghost sea what's wrong, the ghost believes in of the superior arrive at the time that the Xuan withdraws a valley, although still calculating to him is polite,he knows that the ghost believes in of the reason the person will be good friends with with Ji house, all completely is that the Ji vast sky one person's achievement, ghost Die and ghost Die will say so, he also feels as usual.
The strong of Luo's these two gossip skies of territories that is fierce to hate a sky, wood will in the valley of Xuan Yuan, similar to the ghost Die and ghost sea, also because Ji vast sky, the Ji overs cheerful heart in very clear, present Ji house, although the Ji vast sky is a younger generation, but is the only person that can control and even direct them!"Vast sky, we, we believe in medium elder generation, another occupy be delayed.
'…, The white Cang sea seems what difficult speech of concealed, hesitated for a while, the wry smile wrote to say to him.
"The uncle of the white, black rock precipice there of strength not clearly, just with our strength in the valley of Xuan Yuan, used to could not beg for what advantage.
Before those superior's non-arrivals, we ……we have to temporarily can not keep, hope white the uncle understand."
On the key affair, the Ji vast sky isn't unclear, helplessly the dialogue Cang sea explains.
"Ms. Chen, you is ……what viewpoint are you ?, Emperor just through Wei facial expression a bit not good-looking, these several days because have scruples about the strength of Ji house"he F through refrain from rash action overbearing pride in heart, also deliberately over an interest to walk up and hope to draw together a Ji house with Ji, put so low profile and a household on good terms, see at him personal through to foot Ji face in the house.
But still keep emperor's clan through the Wei just at the deep place, emperor of heart of supercilious.
He has no real black rock precipice top of dark of the king put in the eye and see at him, Ji house can black rock precipice there ten thousand poison the song Lei of the door kill, Ji house of strength F through be good enough to match black rock precipice there of person.
Come the time of the valley of Xuan Yuan in addition, he is from the emperor just house** several kind emperor clan extremely valued, he thinks with superior who lend the Ji house and come so more of religious sect, and he takes to come over of emperor clan extremely valued, completely have the ability to win black those people in the rock precipice.
The dark king, orchid soft park, East China Sea falls a Xia island, ten thousand …these religious sects are faraway to arrive at blood rain of mountain, can take how many superiors?These people can be cold to not defend to take down blood rain mountain, asking for help of is pure"the celestial spirits inebriate strangely to put.
In the heart deeply and outside.
Emperor just through the Wei is to despise that this pretty Yi foreign tribe.
He does Ji house the honor.
He thinks the Ji house will also do him the honor, didn't expect Ji vast sky unexpectedly and so Don't mention it and directly refuted sharply him, this made the always supercilious emperor be angried very much by Wei just, but at the eyes of the masses are fixed on under, he again not lost poise, hence turn an inquiry Chen Yi Hui, intend the public strength inside the big palace presses a Ji house with the argument matter.
"I don't know black rock precipice there of circumstance, however" I feels that the vast sky's words should be able to believe, probably, view at really not that time machine, Chen Yi Hui is wrinkly eyebrows, a shape that doesn't dare to act rashly.
Emperor just through Wei heart on sinking, and then see flood sea to the white, ask a way:"Do you feel?"White Tu Hai saw Ji vast sky one eye and lightly shook to shake head.
Emperor just through Wei facial expression a bit difficult see.
Finally hope to the Mu permit representative Mu of house to permit regrets and again ask a way:"Does your Mu permit a house what mean?, "The Ji house pushes to take off not to go, obviously is didn't put the life of those person of same beliefs in the black rock precipice in the eye."
The Mu permits representative Mu of house to permit regrets dark to wear a face, suddenly low voice sneer at, "think come is also, the He house, star stone believes in if be there put out a religion and exterminated entire in the black rock precipice, the whole blood rain mountain meeting the situation greatly change and truely have the religious sect of weight, only a household ……, blood rain alliance, not just a hereafter say of calculate."
"Are you what mean?, Quickly stood to get up, the Ji vast sky coldly hoped Mu to permit regrets, from the Ji over won a body to step by step come out beside.
The Mu permits regrets to unexpectedly vilify so a Ji house, this person work hard really too dangerous some!He Hao however to him, all have boon to the Ji houses, if isn't that the Xuan Yuan valley this place real strenght is really not enough, the Ji vast sky can't have been trailing not to go, connect that star stone to believe in of 100 inside, speak of to also be regarded as to him quite good, he has never wanted to let the He house, star stone believe in to be put out in the black rock precipice, then the Ji house is greatly only a , become blood rain alliance to truely hold real power a person.
The Mu permits regrets so on saying, argument matter once big many person's airs inside the palaces move and imitate all suddenly big Wu of Buddhas general, each is all many while seeing the look in the eyes of Ji vast sky again a silks to take precautions against.
"The words are so hearts …, the emperor is just ordered to nod by Wei, at last approved the parlance that the Mu permits regrets.
"Before doing not come to blood rain mountain, hear you black Sun Yan in the rock precipice, blood the month believe in these people of kid Gan to make use of poison to account to abruptly force blood rain mountain, start me still doing not believe you small age scheming will so dark, the view finally believed at me and saw at me, connecting that to flow a sea of clouds Fengs to all not necessarily have you is afraid the Yin is malicious!, The Mu permits regrets one face sneer.
"Flow a sea of clouds Feng to collaborate with outsider to want to scheme blood rain mountain, even if is to truely take down to blood rain mountain, also necessarily fall in bad reputation, those religious sect hearts are to the point to certainly defy spirit.
But you, wait to flow a sea of clouds Feng black He house in the rock precipice, star stone the religion put out, uniting us to go a black rock precipice again would flow a sea of clouds Feng those people tidied up, finally blood rain alliance not just you Ji house say of calculate?, "Is not only this, you still come to a good reputation, the after the event everyones all could not pick what, will praise you enough big righteousness in the Ji house, Ze Ze, this abacus beats of, even I lived the person of so big age, have to admire!, The Mu permits regrets so on saying, numerous religious sect representative's facial expressions all changed and was like these religious sect superiors on blood rain mountain of Huang Xue Jiang inside the argument matter heavy palace, a peeped out an as if deep in thought of shape, imitated a Buddha to suddenly realize the fearfulness of Ji vast sky.
Even Chen Yi Hui and white Cang the sea is all these 2 people, also lightly wrinkled up eyebrows.
The Mu permits regrets only a few words and push the Ji house to the wind waves pass a while, make the Ji house become target of public criticism, lead the everyones all save a vigilance to heart in the Ji house.
"Good eloquence!, The Ji vast sky is cold the face is great 1, arrive at Mu to permit regrets in front, way:"You encouraged me too much, I still really had never thought so many, only that kind of is truely good at the person dealt with other people with the scheme, afraid is to just can have a so cruelty guess, the Mu permits a Sir, I still could not reach you this height, you really too prize.
"The your Ji house doesn't go a black rock precipice, is a heart to save irregular!, Emperor just through the Wei and the Mu permit a regrets station together, coldly say.
The Ji overs an interest once the facial expression change, Zhang Kou means to say what, but drive Ji over won to hold tight a hand.
"How?"The Ji overs an interest to looking at him, the low voice asks.
Shook to shake head"Ji over win same low voice to say:"Their with intention to discredits us, say that the have nothing at all is used of" Ji over interest soft-voiced on sighing, the full face is bitter and astringent.
"The heart saves irregular?, The Ji vast sky sneers at and orders to nod, is just permitted a regrets way by Wei and Mu to the emperor:"Just what I said is very understand, with present strength in the valley of Xuan Yuan" root isn't enough to cope with a black rock precipice!You look like faraway since then, however, you came and didn't have what differentiation?You two bearers add, can not also deal with a gossip private in the sky, came and have to use?, "If you are two have a gossip for sky of territory of the superiors come to the valley of Xuan Yuan, view at I two words don't say and immediately kill a black rock precipice together with you!In no case will have two words!View at of you, come to the whole real strenght to the valley of Xuan Yuan to basically have no any influence, there are no my Ji house and ghost religion, the Mo Ni teach, falls any one parties in the Xia island to all be good enough to sweep you!, "You, you unexpectedly dare to despise my emperor the house is just!, Emperor just through Wei facial expression suddenly on changing, right away drink a way:"I since dare to black rock precipice, have the method to deal with those people, you the Ran Ji tube in the house follow.
Will prove to see for you, even if my emperor just the house is absent from a gossip the private can also deal with a black rock precipice there for sky of 12 gossip private in the sky!, "I don't believe!, The Ji aim is empty to shake head.
"Good!"The emperor is just suddenly stretched hand to point to ghost Die and ghost sea by Wei, way:"Is two, do you dare to try?See our emperor bearer in the house to have to cope with a gossip the private's strength for sky just?, "The pole of pleasure!, The ghost Die sinks a track.
"If we prove that we have to deal with a gossip the private's means for sky, how do you say again?, The emperor hopes through the Wei just long Yan toward the Ji.
"Two words don't say that with ghost believe in a superior together" goes to a black rock precipice!"Ji vast sky simply and neat commitment.
"Good!"The emperor drinks through the greatness just a , the path keeps into a big palace of argument matter to outside walk to, the back towards a public way:"Please to an outside a try!, The Xuan Yuan outside in the valley.
The religious sect of blood rain top of hill, emperor just the house, Chen Jia and Mu permit house and month China to believe in a consumedly small several tens sky of private religious sect the superior come out in succession and hope in the Xuan ape outside an in valley be just waited a person by Wei to the emperor, the facial expression is respectfully.
Occurrence's affair in argument matter big palace, with the extremely sudden and swift speed, ah spread to go out in these people, the everyones all know emperor just through the Wei tries to make use of an emperor the absolute being soldier of house just, deal with the gossip that the ghost believes in private in the sky, prove that just emperor's house come Xuan ape the valley isn't to do appearance, but the true plan helps a He house, star stone to believe in.
After Ji vast sky and persons, such as ghost Die and ghost sea...etc. arrives at this place, these people all surprisingly looking at Ji vast sky, the visions all coagulate on Ji vast sky and want to see this young new generation Xuan ape in Ji house, whether really be like Mu to permit regrets to say of so,beats by dre cheap, scheming dark, intend to take advantage of an opportunity to become the lord of blood rain mountain the Ji house.
The Mu permits a regrets body side, a beautiful women with him stand together, low voice and Mu permit regrets to say what.
The Ji vast sky just saw that women similar, in the heart suddenly be like understand what, the facial expression on the face more add Sen Be getting colder.
This women isn't other people, exactly the wife whom the Mu permits regrets Gong sea peach, at the beginning in the time on the treasure general assembly of working properly of Chen Jia, Gong sea peach ever and the wife of the duck scholar of leaf in leaf's house week wonderful Xian together contend for robbed a his hand in of purple clam of gold Yan the saliva in thousand years, because the week wonderful Xian bid higher, the end Ji vast sky held the saliva of clam to the thousand years purple gold to sell to week wonderful Xian.
Because this matter, the week wonderful Xian even once reminded Ji vast sky.
Make him small, 'heart some Gong the sea peach line woman.
Say this woman Kuang Tiao necessarily report, permit a house to have some influences in the Mu.
Just the Mu permits regrets suddenly the abusive word is to his and calumniated at the time that he harbored evil designs, the Ji vast sky in the mind noodles was still very interrogative, didn't know actually oneself's where give offense to his Mu permitted a house, until after seeing Gong sea peach this woman, Ji vast sky just finally understood to come over.
Is Gong sea originally peach this woman permit a regrets ear to blow breeze in the Mu!Coldly see Gong sea the peach is one eye, Ji vast sky this just realize the women mean person is the most difficult to keep the true meaning of that words, the Mu permits regrets' time in this key, unexpectedly because the speech of women is horizontal to him to add to blame"see this person and nothing of at the Ji vast sky what person, the in the mind faces him to disdain not personal.
"Ji vast sky!In the him and the ghost Die, ghost sea together head for an emperor just through Wei of time, a Nu drinks to fiercely ring out, sees He another beautiful Tung block at his in front.
Enragedly stare him"the Jiao drink a way:"Is not true?Obviously, the He beautiful Ying also knew occurrence's affair in the argument matter big palace from the side the population, always anxious is going to beautiful Tung of the He that the black rock precipice saves a person, recently all at press a Ji house to go to the black rock precipice saves a person, but is overed by the Ji interest they Wan speech refuse, in He beautiful Dong Xin original have spirit, a hear that this matter imitates a Buddha quickly bright, affirm that the Mu permits regrets say true.
He beautiful Tung is very straightforward spiteful, behaviour strictly and speedily, and there is spirit in the heart and again neglect situation ground to come over to cross-examine Ji vast sky.
"Even do you also believe?, Ji vast sky once the air change, there is some disappointments in the in the mind noodles, when the ground splits a valley, he ever and He beautiful Tung once saw stars together.
Originally still had some to appreciate to this woman, however, be been blunt by the He family affairs feeling to faint brains recently of she, but repeatedly come over Zu Rao she, can not distinguish condition"this even if he is a bit not pleased.
"The other people say of have a reason, I why not letter?The "He beautiful Xuan all of full faces are algidities, towering soft breasts tiny Zhan, look the quick temper in the heart not small, " your Ji house can come to blood rain mountain, is all our help in the He house, otherwise the your Ji house basically have no place to go, after you arrived blood rain mountain, uncle He went Xuan dollar valley some times in person, for canning give you the Ji house to contend for the ground of robbing a good self-discipline, he with all one's heart, in this time, you unexpectedly living this kind of wolf sub- greed!Absolutely, absolutely the animals isn't equal to!"This words are 1.
All Ji family's facial expressions all changed, although the He beautiful terrapin is basically grieved "can the eyes of the masses are fixed on under speak so some kind of words to really have some severity, let Ji family facial depletion" there is no step to be descended.
Because heart in have been saving to appreciate to the He Hao however the heart, at treat He family of time, the Ji vast skies will mutually treat by gift, previous He beautiful Tung speaks to blame him of time, don't calculate to divide too much because of the language of expression, he don't dispute, today she another time indiscriminately come such a, this makes him some hard bear with.
"Ms. He, you the He house have boon to us, I have been aming born firmly in mind to heart, don't dare to forget.
However, please also move brain to consider, if I don't want to save your He house, we why the need for go to a black rock precipice, and does the fee exert tremendous amount to kill song Lei?, "We Ji house if don't want to help you the He house, should early and early leave the valley of Xuan Yuan, you have to know, before the song Lei didn't die, black rock precipice there of person if come to the valley of Xuan Yuan, the strength that we don't ward off at all!We emit so strong wind insurance, have been staying in the valley of Xuan Yuan to wait person to come over, come to your[one] wolf sub- greed, evaluation with not equal to animals?!!, Shook to shake head, Ji vast sky full face disappointment, again way:"Frankly speaking, I am disappointed to you, didn't expect you will drive once a few words say, classify our this person" Ji vast sky once this some kind of words say, He beautiful Tung is to realize mistake some, Leng's where momentary didn't know what good.
"Ms. He, Ji house will how treat black those people in the rock precipice, we will prove to let you see hereafter, seeing exactly the our Ji house is sincerely or pretend!However, previously, I don't hope again hear your bad language, and side person similar house for calumniating our Ji!, He was a clear speech to put forward to warn this time, once the words fall, he didn't see the He that the facial expression is difficult to see beautiful Dong Yi Yan any further, the path goes straight toward the emperor whom the full face sneers at just through the Wei a group of people.
Permit regrets, Gong sea after Mu the peach is two time at the side of Human bodies, the Ji vast sky suddenly stopped down, coldly looking at Mu to permit regrets, Gonging sea the peach was 2 people, and the milli- Don't mention it says:"Ghost Die and ghost sea, put~to the trouble two permit Mu for me house of the persons send out the valley of Xuan Yuan, I the valley of Xuan Yuan, don't welcome the person whom the Mu permits a house!, This words are a , all of the public facial expression inside the valley is on changing, a frightenedly hopes Ji vast sky.
"Ji vast sky, you is this He Yi?, Mu's permitting regrets hasn't answered, emperor just through Wei first Nu, loudly drink a way:"The Mu permits the person of house is come to help your blood rain mountain to deal with China some foreign persons of, just because the abusive word that saw you, you unexpectedly dare to rush through a person, do you exactly want to do what?, "Want to deal with a black rock precipice for blood rain mountain, they can go by themselves, don't need to be stayed at our valley of Xuan Yuan!This kind of full belly scheming and will break to solidify stable mean person inside the valley, the my Ji house doesn't welcome!Even if is he is what seven greatest households, the person of six greatest religious sects, I the valley of Xuan Yuan don't welcome, have to roll out for me!This some kind of words finish saying, the Ji vast sky is fierce to drink:"Ghost Mei and ghost sea sees visitor out!, The ghost Rong and ghost sea is 2 people, silently have no an interest ground to stand to the Mu to permit regrets, Gong sea peach those mus permit a bearer side in the body, facial expression inhospitality, ghost sea way:"It is each.
Please!, "You, you dare!, The Gong sea peach suddenly screams and stretches hand to point at Ji vast sky, fierce call:"Only small generation, you incredibly dare permit a disrespect to my Mu!The your Ji house calculates Lin Yao's thing, only is that the green rock foot of a hill is next and second-grade to all talk not ascend of small household, unexpectedly dare wildly talks!, So many people note a view, the Ji vast sky aims at so their Mu to permit a house and rushes through a person by this kind of violent in action arrogant attitude, as long as is that there are the persons of guts in the heart to all can not stand, does still less Mu of one of the seven greatest households permit a house?Medium land area broad, the private religious sect household in sky can not count more, but seven greatest household always Gao Gao at up, be subjected to world the private admire and respect for sky, the Mu permits the business that the house does a silk, the business of cloud silk Ge spreads all over big river south north, all have name of shop in martial park in the sky, big Chu's parks, even southern Yi and north pretty, Western Regions there, the Mu permits a house to also all very eat open.
So many in the last yearses, the Mu permits a house to walk southern north of big river, get to whichever whichever place in the park house, will be mutually treated by gift by the private's religious sect in the sky, household of the region, they and emperor just similar overbearing pride in the house spoiled, such as umbrella at the eyes of the masses are fixed on under"be unexpectedly threatenned by small generation to kick out this kind of indignity, far far above the acceptance scope of Gong sea peach!"I count three, they if don't walk, ghost sea and ghost Die you don't need to be again polite and directly begin to rush through a person!, The Ji vast sky noodles is like huge rock"cold, the slightest don't make threatening gestures for the Gong sea peach move, continue to coldly say.
"Ji vast sky, you too extremely conceited!, Emperor just through great Nu, point at him to drink a way:"Do you have to put our imperial house in the eye?Unexpectedly and deserving wear my noodles, do to cross mountains so the affair of Wei!, "A!, The Ji vast sky sees and doesn't see an emperor just through Wei and coldly say.
"You dare!, Emperor just through the great Nu"kept to hurtle toward the Ji vast sky.
A shadow of human figure suddenly is just shown a view to come out beside by Wei body at the emperor, terrible murderous look as if substantial, the valley of Xuan Yuan suddenly is covered with bloody flavor to overaly, the everyones all feel to start to be suffused with an algidity from the heart bottom.
"Do not move."
One face being fierce to hate a sky is cool, stand at the emperor just through Wei before the body, lightly say:"I don't know that he has your emperor just the house put in the eye, however, I am to have no your emperor just the house put in the eye, I even if is killed you.
Emperor just the Tong can not take, either how am I.
"Is fierce, fierce hate a sky!"The emperor is just suddenly and greatly changed by Wei facial expression, those a poisonous stupid desire move of emperor just the person of house, fiercely pour to take a suck at an air conditioner, stopped to start in of action.
The outside sky of private arriving at a Xuan ape valley although the religious sect household is many, however, truely know fierce hate a sky in the Xuan ape valley of, only have Chen Jia Yi!Include emperor just house at inside of many private's religious sects, although all know Ji house back still have two have a gossip for sky of territory of mysterious superior, but the most people don't know these 2 people's real identities, no one knows one among those persons and unexpectedly have generation fierce evil fierce hate a sky!In blood rain mountain and in water cloud park, as long as being the person of the self-discipline private in the sky's way, no man doesn't know fierce hate a sky of fierce evil!This is a handful bloody not world anyone put in the terrible person of eye bottom, this person, have to be good enough to destroy strength of household and malicious strength, and do to have been having no to have scruples about, can't have the slightest the heart of kindness!Although the world is big, in addition to has nine the peak influence that the superior stays in in the sky of temple, who Be not afraid of this kind of not to speak rule handful bloody person?Being fierce to hate a sky is a , owners inside the valley were all frightened to live.
"Is fierce old!""Is fierce old!"Is fierce old!Huang Xue Jiang's a group of people on blood rain mountain, a Gong body salutes"Chen Yi Hui, white Cang sea etc. person, also come forward an one step, according to the gift of younger generation to fierce hate a sky to salute.
Is fierce to hate a sky although fierce He He, to some people, his highly respectable identity mother the Yong doubt.
Is fierce to hate the sky put out many religious sects in martial park in the sky, dare with return a dollar Zong Jiao Ban, on the sky in martial park in the sky in the private eyes, he is well-deserved a cruel butcher, however, fierce hate for a sky before a hundred years but in blood rain top of hill, south Yi private in the sky kill of the blood becomes river and helps blood rain mountain top of the sky private make vigorous efforts to turn the tide.
In the dark place, it is fierce to hate a sky is as close as Chen Jia's friendly intercourse, last time worked properly a treasure general assembly top blackness of the king suddenly made moves to Chen Jia, was also fierce to hate a sky to appear publicly to make track for a king who kill the blackness and forced the dark king had to escape Western Regions once, other people afraid he, these people of Chen Yi Hui but respect he.
"This ……this ……, under the fierce view for hating noting of icy cold look in the eyes in a sky, the emperor is just been getting more timid by Wei, an anti- in normal times inside of according to Ao domineering, cringing from fear not to know should say what like.
He the in the mind noodles is clear, emperor just house can aside the human face Be ex- to float in the sky to cross mountains Wei, but at this haughty air of be fierce to evil in front, his float in the sky to cross mountains Wei the ruthlessness price that will change to can not bear.
Because, is positive such as fierce hate sky say, even if was fierce to hate a sky to kill him.
Emperor just the house also has no way.
Can't pursue even and even …the emperor be just known some Mi Xin, a Chinese family name by Wei, know and then connect an emperor house just of that, at treat fierce hate the time in sky, all adopt to keep in mind soft government vegetables, never dare threaten by force.
"Two!, Even now, the Ji vast sky is again cold to drink 1.
All drive fierce hate sky to frightened arrive of those people, this just delivers a view still and has small one very the star is here, just the fright of one Sha, imitated a Buddha extremely endless, let them realize they all drive fierce hated a sky this fierce evil to frighten.
"We walk!"The Mu permitted regrets to drink low a , a Ye lives Gong sea peach, not the etc. Ji vast sky shouts" three, word, walk just toward the outside.
"The Mu permits an elder brother!, The emperor shouted through the Wei just a , the full face is helpless, seem to want to speak what.
"Circumstance you also saw, isn't our Mu to permit a house to lift a hand to, some people to can not endure us, I am sorry" Mu's permitting regrets to see an emperor is just been one eye by Wei, the facial expression wants to be much difficult to see have much difficult see, soon after and suddenly turn round, head also not the time ground leave.
Was fierce to hate a sky before doing not come out, the Mu permits regrets to still have heart to see Ji vast sky, they dare to do extremely, however, fierce hate a view in the sky, he knows fierce hate for a sky, the Ji house of at the back on the side, Ji vast sky really what affairs dare to do of come out.
And it etc. ghost Die and ghost sea 2 people begin to fling out they go, also not equal to leave the last face for oneself, don't from seek embarrassed.
And emperor just through Wei similar, the Mu permits regrets, also afraid, not is afraid Ji vast sky, but afraid fierce hate a sky!The Mu permits the person of house, so the ash slipped away ground to leave, the Xuan ape valley is silent to come down a while, the public air is weird, an in the mind noodles doesn't know to think what.
The Mu permitted the person of house to walk, don't continue to compare Dou emperor just through Wei all start hesitant.
He look in the eyes flicker, the corner of mouth still unwillingly extrudes a smiling face that is difficult to see, the Leng where doesn't know how is good.
"Let Ji the family temporarily don't go a black rock precipice, is my idea, the He house am some creeping vines with me, I can't looking at He family be killed so."
Is fierce to hate for a sky, the vision once sweeps public, finally fall He in the beautiful Ying body, cold hum 1:"The wench works the time of feeling and moves more brain!The side person says what you believe, even if is to fix the territory of gossip sky, you also from meeting drive white white make use of, early and early threw life.
He beautiful terrapin drive fierce hate a sky to directly pare off to scold, an injustice, but don't dare to speak an artful self-defence, still have to be polite to nod.
With fierce hate the identity in sky and to the great boon of He house, even if is that his beginning is several palms for He beautiful Xuan, the He is beautiful one also can listen to and also need to accompany smiling face.
Is fierce to hate a sky of once this some kind of words say, obviously is to is clearness in the Ji house, surroundings those people can not believe a Ji house, but no man dare to query him fierce hate a sky.
"Boon, I believe fierce old parlance, Chen Yi Hui declares.
"I also believe" white Cang the sea nod.
Those religious sect on blood rain mountain of Huang Xue Jiang see these 2 people declaring, a quickly means in succession that believing is fierce to hate how because is fierce to hate a sky of a words, the Mu permits the calumny of regrets so vanish, although he is fierce evil, the everyones all believe his personal character and say of words.
"This ……this ……, emperor just through the Wei hesitate for a while, also the favour says with smile:"Is fierce old to since say so, that I also believe ……, cold hum a , fierce hate a sky don't see an emperor just through Wei, way:"Your emperor just the house exactly has what absolute being soldier, the superior of territory can cope with a gossip for sky, I still really want to experience a knowledge!Come, let I lo lo you took to what things come over!, "!, Emperor just through once the Wei facial expression change, the favour shakes head to put a hand, and the stem says with smile:"Our emperor just the absolute being soldier of house, deal with a general gossip private in the sky still go, but is like you this kind of attain a gossip the territory of highest point for sky of person, we …… our emperor just the absolute being soldier of house, afraid is … afraid is can not copy with""I try" ghost sea heads for an emperor just through Wei, way:"Although I also in the territory of gossip sky, can force to tour by imagination Jie for month, the territory far and far don't arrive a highest point, I to try, this accommodation?""This pours is can ……, emperor just through the Wei hesitate for a while, just a bit not pure not the wish ground say.
Was fierce to hate a sky to come out, he originally didn't think again could not pass with Ji house, but the emperor is just through Wei heart also some overbearing pride of, he drive fierce hated a sky to press have no some temper, if can not prove 1:00 what, also suppressed to bend 1:00 really too, see the ghost Die come out, it is positive to pour with emperor just through the intention of Wei.
"The ghost Mei renders up me, I come to try an emperor the absolute being soldier of house is just."
Suddenly, the Ji vast sky was come out and put in the ghost Die, emperor just through of Wei, sneer at to looking at an emperor just through the Wei.
"You?, The emperor is just been getting more foolish by Wei, the full face peculiarly looking at Ji vast sky.
Not only is a he, surroundings owner also all foolish live, very surprisedly hope Ji vast sky, don't know that he suddenly delivers what crazy o a **private in the sky, even if is Xuan in the Ji house turns, also is not likely to have a gossip the private's real strenght for sky, in the public heart the pole of doubt, don't know what he exactly wants to do.
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