
beats by dre studio rised hearts do not

Dekim Hikaru ,the good stuff is naturally make second holes jade are very happy ,let the clouds of Trollius falls to his ,fast absorbing .Which merit golden is because second hole jade destroyed hell road within the demon and monster ,and heaven on second hole jade reward .
Which merit gold was supposed to belong to the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha ,only tens of millions of years is not hell in the evil completely wiped out, now it is second hole jade away, so he can only let the second hole to get jade .
relationresultToa blossoming of tropaeolum absorbed after second holes ,jade was extremely satisfied smile ,then second Kong Yu figure flash is disappearing in hell .relationresultseek flowers and VIP tickets ,thank you support ,beats by dre studio.
, relationresult , relationresultThe 535th chapter to heaven ( a ) , relationresultSecond holejade swallowed in hell road all the ghost and monster ,will hell road was closed after the merit Gold Award ,followed by the innate nosy prowess, calculated the ancestor of this paragraph of time doing things ,then left the house ,came to the fairy ,but no in the creation of residence ,but also directly opened three slot channel ,into three gap, came to Sun Wukong and the old war .
relationresultSun Wukongin the face of summon evil doppelganger ,mana up thousands of times the ancestor ,but not discouraged ,but rather more inspired Sun Wukong to fight, ride the exquisite pagodas to protect herself and evil doppelganger ,moving toward the ancestor to launch an attack, but this time it is the slightest not occupy advantage the ,was the ancestor of a beat .
relationresultOnlythe old mana is increased for thousands of times ,good and evil doppelganger in common shot ,Sun Wukong repeatedly repulsed, but want to really win over Sun Wukong but some can not ,after all, Sun Wukong is also summon evil doppelganger ,and exquisite pagoda this innate Lingbao protection ,want in a period of time Sun Wukong beat ,or very difficult ,so two people on the way to a stalemate war .
relationresultHowever,at this time ,a dark shadow quietly appeared in Sun Wukong and the ancestor exudes an extremely evil breath .The old feel the breath in the body after a stiff ,in vivo mana are some operation is not smooth ,the body as far away from Sun Wukong ,a dark shadow looking towards the .
relationresultSun Wukongalso felt that a very evil breath ,heart ,after seeing the Stygian ancestor back ,and no hand ,but will look to the distant shadow ,however when Sun Wukong looked to the shadow time ,but is a contraction of eyes ,was unbelievable .
Large ,staring eyes ,a look at the opposite of the shadows .relationresultHereis the second hole shadow natural jade ,the ancestor known from second Kong Yu smell has been detected it is claimed his Xuan Yuan water control flag ,and refining the nether the second hole jade ,but knowing that second hole jade badly ,and this time the ancestors have done, the Stygian our heart is guilty ,to lower the head does not dare to face second hole jade .
relationresultWhile Sun Wukongdid not expect to see here hole jade ,and couldn is extremely evil breath is actually from Kong Yu was released ,in Sun Wukong impression of Kong Yu ,smell is fearless of death for a just cause ,never so evil breath ,but why now is now became like this ,Sun Wukong puzzle .
relationresultSun Wukong certainly did notknow that Kong Yu is not a real hole jade ,so there will be so confused ,and the second Kong Yu is also don Sun Wukong that puzzled look, a step by step to the ancestors and Sun Wukong ,and are usually a play ,is also the law of the supernatural phenomena ,become and Sun Wukong ,the ancestor of the same tall .
relationresultSecond holejade came to the front of the ancestors ,look at the head of the river Styx ancestor ,hang on the face on the trace of a smile, and Styx ancestor because eating second hole jade suffered ,coupled with the guilty ,so the hearts is tense ,and let the old is not second but Kong Yu smiled to him said , well ,you do very well .
, relationresultTheancestor to second hole jade words suddenly looked up ,surprised hearts do not ,do not know these second holes are in his own ,or because the second hole jade already know what you do ,this is to come for.
.. ,but the ancestor is afraid to ask ,but at this time ,second Kong Yu is a direct ancestor of the kick in the stomach ,incomparable force that the ancestor suddenly is backward ,smashed the do not know how many stars to stop .
relationresultSecond holejade the kick just used physical force, although the river Styx ancestor suffered injuries ,but not much impact ,a blood light rapid fly back, eyes seem to Spitfire at hole fists clenched ,jade ,that face more grim ,and originally is blood red skin is like drops of blood .
But even so ,the ancestor is still not dare .relationresultBut inthe old heart is filled with contempt ,since he in the nether blood since birth, is to have great powers ,once freely immemorial ,also known as the world character ,now not only is second hole jade claimed Xuan Yuan water control flag ,refining the underworld ,and is the second such Kong Yu humiliated ,the ancestor of the heart how can not angry ,just second holes to receive his true spirit origin of jade ,the Stygian ancestor only will such humiliation mercilessly swallowed stomach .
relationresultI tell you to do something, you do it well ,I should reward you ,but you to deal with such a waste it is impracticable ,but should be punished . Second hole jade as if is not seen the old eyes, and said ,and in talking to Sun Wukong ,his face is expression of disdain .
relationresultTheancestor to second hole jade words do not have any representation ,Sun Wukong is a roar is toward the second hole jade coming, though I didn hole jade atmosphere becomes so evil ,and also feel the hole body within the mana to let him feel fear ,but talented Sun Wukong second Kong Yu said to be waste ,this is not a Sun Wukong can bear anything .
relationresultSun Wukong hassince birth ,is achieved great fame, is always no one dare say Sun Wukong is a waste ,but now it is said Kong Yu was second ,and in the second hole Jade eyes were filled with disdain ,it is more to let Sun Wukong anger ,in spite of all waving Golden Jade toward the second hole .
Down .relationresultExtreme angerSun Wukong all mana is running again ,golden gold glitter, huge mana around it, split the numerous space ,is the direct to the second hole jade head ,a rod will be second hole jade smashing into crushing .
relationresultHowever,the next thing is to let Sun Wukong staring eyes, a strange, don the picture ,because the second hole jade is actually caught on the one hand golden, so that it can not go without .
relationresult , relationresultThe 536th chapter from heaven ( two ) , relationresultBecause ofanger ,Sun Wukong the blow is almost used all his power, look at this makes him very strange second hole jade ,Sun Wukong hated not directly will he smashed it ,however it is when golden is about to hit the second hole jade overhead time ,is by the second hole jade directly use one hand to hold . Related articles:

